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IB Program

Contact Info

Address:Rogers International School

202 Blachley Rd

Stamford, CT 06902

United States

See map: Google Maps


General Information about the International Baccalaureate Program

The International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO), founded in 1968, is a nonprofit educational organization based in Geneva, Switzerland. It offers to schools three programs:

There are 4267 schools authorized to offer IB programs. These schools offer a total of 5477 IB programs in over 150 countries as of August, 2015.

IB Authorization at Rogers International School

Since 2002, Rogers has been implementing the International Baccalaureate program. Initially, the Primary Years Programme was implemented, which authorization being granted in 2005. When the school moved to its new campus on Blachley Road, the school began to add the Middle Years Program to its offerings. Authorization for the Middle Years Program was awarded in the Fall of 2012. RIS offers the IB programme in all of their grades to all students, Kindergarten-Eighth Grade.

What to Expect from Rogers International School

Excellence in education:

IB programs provide a broad and challenging education. The programs enable students to acquire important academic skills and to develop an international perspective and a commitment to their communities.

Ongoing Support from the IBO

The IBO continues to work closely with schools after they become authorized. IBO regional offices organize regional conferences where IB schools can share their experiences and exchange ideas. IB teachers can access curriculum materials and interact in real time with other teachers via the IBO's online curriculum center. IB coordinators can download curriculum updates, examination schedules and other information from the IBO's Ibnet Web site. The developing procedures for the assessment of student work.

We Encourage You to Visit the IBO Website for Additional Information

Click here to learn more.